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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Monthly Media Center Reports

I am definitely NOT ready for August yet, but that doesn't mean that I'm not already planning ahead. As soon as my new Big Happy Planner and sticker arrived I got to work adding everything school related to my calendar.

If you haven't tried {these} erasable markers yet, you have GOT to! 

Seriously, go add them to your Amazon cart now. You will be so glad you did.

Once I got my planner organized I started to think about school...sigh!!!  I wanted a monthly document I could add to my planner that gave detailed information about circulation, weeding, popular titles, purchases and new books/series that I added to the collection. So, I set to work and created this easy to print document that you can add to your calendar/lesson plan book to keep track of everything library related.

Click {here} to view this product in my TpT store.

Each month features a two page layout. I am planning to print mine double sided on cardstock and add them to each month in my planner.

You can document the following information each month:

- total # circulations
- # copies weeded
- top 5 circulated books
- orders placed
- miscellaneous notes

I hope that many of you will find this little tool helpful. I think it will be a great resource to share with administrators throughout the year regarding the activity in your library.

Happy Planning!!!!!

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